Grant Samuel, Melbourne

Client objectives

Grant Samuel is one of the most respected names in corporate finance, providing advisory and execution expertise that is integrated across M&A, debt, equity and valuation.

Grant Samuel Services Pty Ltd (Grant Samuel) occupied a part-floor suite of 480 sqm on Level 31, 101 Collins Street Melbourne, at the “Paris end” of Collins Street.

The current lease was up for renewal but the existing tenancy restricted growth, and a full re-fit would be required in order to remain long-term.

LPC Advisory assisted Grant Samuel in securing a new lease for Part Level 49, 101 Collins Street Melbourne, within their existing building. It was negotiated that the Lessor would engage a Design and Construct Contractor to deliver the fitout as part of the Lease Incentive, to meet Grant Samuel’s agreed Functional Brief.

LPC Project Services was engaged to initially provide independent peer review services but due to circumstances, our role was extended to provide Project Management of the construction works.


• Project delivered to Budget
• Significant savings under the costs quoted by the D&C Contractor
• High-quality fitout
• Conversion of ‘smoker’s balcony’ to staff breakout area

Additional Assignments

• Refurbishment of level 20, Governor Macquarie Tower, 1 Farrer Place, Sydney












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