
Past insights


Jul 03, 2024

Following our recent articles where we answered your top retail tenancy questions and ...

Feb 07, 2024

LPC advisors are often asked, "When is the best time to start negotiating a new lease?". Our answer is, "The moment you sign your current lease agreement".

While this exchange has an amusing element to it, it communicates an essential tr...

Jan 17, 2024

For retail tenants, the stakes are high - the right lease can catalyse business success, while a poorly negotiated one can be a financial albatross. With the retail landscape evolving and the cost-of...

Jan 17, 2024

If office tenants are to optimise their tenancy arrangements in 2024 and beyond, it is essential to understand what is happening on the supply side. Landlord market reports provide insight into their...

Nov 28, 2023

The modern office has transcended its traditional role as a mere physical space. It has emerged as the epicentre of productivity and innovation, driving organisations to seek not just functional workspaces but also a substantial ret...

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