
Past insights


Jul 03, 2024

Following our recent articles where we answered your top retail tenancy questions and ...

Jan 10, 2018

Do you already have a large commercial real estate lease portfolio, or is your organisation expanding to multiple sites? Have you considered your options for managing your growing portfolio? Hire an internal property team? Centralise your lease ma...

Dec 04, 2017

Reaching and then securing the best sublease prospects involves targeted marketing, clean process and the ability to capitalise on opportunities. The following looks at the four pillars that together make a good sublease / disposition strategy.

Nov 24, 2017

In the fifth and final part of our five part series 'Finding the perfect office space' we discuss how to spot the opportunities to find a space that meets your requirements.


Nov 22, 2017

In the fourth of our five part series 'Finding the perfect office space' we discuss the importance of finding the right location and office space to support the way you and your workforce like to work.


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