Enhancing workspaces with biophilic design: A tenant's perspective on fit-outs and refurbishment

28 Jun 2024 04:54 PM

Imagine stepping into an office that feels more like a tranquil forest than a traditional workspace. The air is fresh, sunlight streams through large windows, and the soothing sound of a water feature creates a serene environment. This is the promise of biophilic design, a concept that is transforming workspaces across the globe. “As a tenant considering a new fit-out or refurbishment, embracing biophilic design can significantly enhance your workspace, improving well-being, productivity, and overall satisfaction,” says LPC Director and Head of Project Services Rebecca Pelling.

Understanding biophilic design

Biophilic design is an architectural approach that connects building occupants more closely to nature. It incorporates natural elements such as light, greenery, water, and natural materials into the built environment. Biologist Edward O. Wilson popularised the term "biophilia" in the 1980s, describing the innate human affinity for nature. Today, biophilic design is gaining traction in office spaces as research continues to highlight its numerous benefits.

Benefits of biophilic design in workspaces

Psychological and emotional well-being

“Incorporating natural elements into the workspace can reduce stress and improve mood,” says Rebecca. Studies have shown that views of nature or even images of natural scenes can lower heart rates and reduce anxiety. For instance, a study by the University of Technology Sydney (UTS) found that employees in offices with plants reported a 37% reduction in tension and anxiety.

Productivity and creativity

Workspaces that embrace biophilic design can see boosts in productivity and creativity. The presence of natural light, for example, has been linked to better sleep and increased alertness during work hours. The UTS study also reported a 45% increase in productivity in offices with biophilic elements.

Health benefits

Biophilic design can improve physical health by enhancing air quality and reducing the prevalence of sick building syndrome. Plants act as natural air purifiers, removing toxins and increasing humidity. According to the National Construction Code (NCC) in Australia, improving indoor air quality is a critical factor in maintaining a healthy work environment.

Practical implementation for tenants

For tenants looking to enhance their workspaces with biophilic design, practical steps are essential to integrate natural elements into the office environment effectively. From assessing the current space to planning the incorporation of greenery and natural materials, a strategic approach ensures that the benefits of biophilic design are fully realised. Here are some key considerations for tenants embarking on a new fit-out or refurbishment.

Assessment of space

“Before embarking on a biophilic design project, assess your current workspace. Identify areas where natural elements can be introduced or enhanced, such as windows, walls, and communal areas,” says Rebecca. Working with your project manager and design team can be helpful at this stage.

Planning and design

When planning your fit-out or refurbishment, consider the following biophilic elements:
●    Natural light: Maximise the use of windows and skylights. Open up spaces to allow light to penetrate deeper into the office.
●    Indoor plants and green walls: Choose a variety of indoor plants suitable for different light conditions. Green walls can be used to create striking visual features.
●    Natural materials: Incorporate materials like wood, stone, and bamboo into furniture and decor.
●    Water features: Install water elements, such as fountains or aquariums, to add a calming presence.
●    Nature-inspired art and colours: Use artwork and colour schemes that evoke natural landscapes and environments.

The Barangaroo precinct in Sydney is a leading example of biophilic design. This development incorporates extensive greenery, natural materials, and waterfront views, creating a workspace that promotes well-being and productivity.
Implementing biophilic design can come with challenges, such as maintaining plants or ensuring sufficient natural light. However, these challenges can be overcome with proper planning and the right expertise.

Cost-Benefit Analysis

Initial investment vs. long-term gains

While the initial investment in biophilic design elements can be higher, the long-term gains often outweigh the costs. Increased productivity, reduced absenteeism, and higher employee retention are significant benefits. A report by the Green Building Council of Australia (GBCA) highlights that green buildings, including those with biophilic elements, can reduce operating costs by up to 30%.

Tips for tenants

Working with designers and project managers

Choose designers and project managers who have experience with biophilic design. They can help navigate the complexities of integrating natural elements into your workspace.

Phased implementation

“If budget constraints are an issue, consider implementing biophilic design in phases. Start with high-impact areas like communal spaces and gradually expand to individual workstations,” counsels Rebecca.

Employee involvement

Involve employees in the design process to ensure the workspace meets their needs and preferences. This can lead to higher satisfaction and a stronger connection to the workspace.

Biophilic design offers a wealth of benefits for enhancing workspaces. From improving well-being and productivity to fostering a healthier environment, the advantages are clear. Rebecca concludes “As a tenant planning a new fit-out or refurbishment, embracing biophilic design can transform your office while helping to future-proof your business.”

LPC's Project Services division creates spaces that connect people and enhance productivity. We partner with you to create spaces that support your business strategy. Whether it's new building works, refurbishments, fit-outs, or land development, we have the expertise in-house to manage the process for you. Our project management team are experts in helping our clients deliver their spaces on time, on budget, with their best interests protected and incentives paid.

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